Video: N.J. first responders rescue drivers who drove around barricades into raging flood waters


The newly released footage shows the work of first responders during last week’s severe storm from the remnants of Hurricane Ida

September 09, 2021 – NJ Advanced Media

Those were just part of several rescues made in Princeton Wednesday night and early Thursday.

“We are sharing this as a reminder to not drive around barricades,” Princeton police said. “They are there for your safety and we do not have the resources to have our officers physically at each road closure to enforce the ‘road closed’ sign.”

In all, Princeton police responded to 393 calls between 10 p.m. Wednesday and 8 a.m. Thursday. The calls were for stranded or trapped motorists, abandoned vehicles with possible trapped occupants, flooded roads and residents trapped in flooded homes on top of regular service calls, officials said.

Of the 27 people killed in New Jersey during last week’s flooding, one death took place in Mercer County. One of the three tornadoes to hit New Jersey during the storm was in Princeton.

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