AZ Crew Rescues Man Struck in Storm Drain for Days


Firefighters rescued a man who said he was stuck in a storm drain for two days after motorists saw him waving his arms from the opening on Thursday.

October 02, 2021 – By Cliff Pinckard – Source

GLENDALE, AZ — Firefighters rescued a man from a storm drain next to a road Thursday after motorists saw him waving his arm from the opening.

post on Facebook from the Glendale Fire Department says motorists who saw the man waving stopped to see if he was OK. The man told them he was stuck in the drain, so they called 911.

Firefighters opened a manhole near the drain and lowered a ladder. The man was able to climb out to safety.

The man, who was in his 30s, told firefighters he had been in the drain for two days before he was rescued, according to the Associated Press. He told authorities he got into the storm drain system about two days ago at a park about a mile from where he was found.

Authorities have been unable to confirm his account.

The man, whose identity was not released, was taken to a hospital for evaluation, according to the fire department.

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