IA Firefighters Discuss Biodiesel Plant Explosion Response


Des Moines Capt. Chris Bolten said crews understand the dangers and train for incidents like the one Thursday.

Source Firehouse.com News

Des Moines firefighters and technicians were ready when they got the call for an explosion at a soybean processing plant.

They train for various scenarios like this, Capt. Chris Bolten told KCCI adding that they work closely with local soybean processor Archer Daniels-Midland to ensure protections are in place to mitigate fire risk.

“Those types of facilities are a high hazardous area, so we try to get out there like once a year,” Bolten said.

Being prepared is vital as an incident at a plant brings additional challenges and dangers. Knowing what chemicals are involved and how they react is vital. 

“So, we need to air monitor and make sure these particulates after the fire aren’t creating a health hazard within the community and make sure there’s no secondary explosion limit in there,” Bolten said.

On Thursday, more than a dozen workers were suffered burn injuries. Crews quickly treated them and made sure everyone in the building was accounted for.

Fires like the one in Marengo require a much different response than a house fire. Firefighters used foam to help quell the flames.