FDNY Firefighters Among Organ Recipients From Fallen Colleague


Jan. 18, 2023 FDNY Firefighter William Moon, 47, continues to save lives even after his death.

Source Firehouse.com News

A FDNY firefighter continues to save lives even in death.

The widow of Firefighter William Moon announced Tuesday her husband donated his organs to five people on the transplant waiting list, CBS reported. 

Among the recipients were retired members of the FDNY who received Moon’s liver and lungs.

Moon, 47, was killed in December during a training session in a FDNY fire station. 

“The fact that they’re people who are local, and two of them are New York City firemen, is even a bigger part of his legacy. That it’s a family and a community that we really are very fortunate to be a part of. I’ve always known that family, and I’m even more grateful for them today than I’ve ever been,” Kristina Moon said.