FAA: Near Miss at MD Airport Involved Ambulance, Jet


March 22, 2023 Officials at BWI say new safety measures were implemented immediately.

Source Firehouse.com News

A near miss between an ambulance and jet at BWI Airport has resulted in new safety measures.

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the Jan. 12 incident, according to WJZ.

a close call at BWI Thurgood Marshall airport between a Southwest jet and an ambulance.

The Southwest jet was taking off for Chicago and came within 173 feet from colliding with an ambulance on runway 15, according to an FAA report obtained by the station. 

The plane was traveling the equivalent of 168 miles an hour, and the medic vehicle was allowed to cross one runway and told to wait for the plane. But the driver didn’t.

“The airport fully cooperated and shared information with the FAA regarding the incident.” BWI officials wrote in a statement adding that procedures were put into place immediately to prevent a similar incident.